Learning Machine Learning

Currently pretty inundated with Machine Learning stuff — Here’s a list of a few resources:

  • David Barber — Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning

    • the .pdf for this book is free online (make sure to get the 2012 version)
    • note: link was broken – adding ‘https’, made it work, but you will get a security certificate warning
  • LxMLS Labs and Guide
    I attended the Lisbon Machine Learning School this Summer, and their lab resources are pretty awesome, if a little unpolished. Everything is done in Python using NumPy, and the lab guide generally assumes that the reader is working with ipython

    • The lab .pdf is here
    • Their github repo with exercises and answers is here
  • I also just ordered this book, which is supposed to be a great survey of most topics in Machine Learning. The Amazon reviews are pretty mixed, but it seems like this will eventually become the goto desk reference after a few more editions.